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zieds1mazs.gif (257 bytes) Ceriņš writes about Otilija's fate

1 Name: Ceriņš

This is a letter sent from Siberia to Latvia in May 1949 by L.Ceriņš, who was deported to Tomsk oblast. He informs Otilija's sister in Latvia about Otilija's last days. Otilija is the first name only, and the last name remains unknown. The author of the letter was not very close relative to the addressee, because he addresses her using honorific "You".

The deportation took place on March 25, 1949, when in one day about 44 000 persons in Latvia were gathered, loaded in railway carriages and transported to Siberia - mainly to Tomsk oblast.

This is the beginning of the letter:

Now the full text in Latvian:

Sveiki dzimtenē! Kuģinovka 25. maijā

Esam patreiz Sibirijas taigas iemītnieki. No dzimtenes izbraucām 27.martā. Savu ceļu sākām kopā ar Jūsu māsu Otīliju. Viņa bija kā parasts jautra un vesela. Ar vilcienu braucām divas nedēļas līdz Tomskai. No ilgā ceļojuma un neparastiem apstākļiem Jūsu māsa sāka sasirgt. Divas nedēļas nodzīvojām Tomskas kopmītnē, tur viņai palika vēl gŗūtāk. 23. aprīlī no Tomskas ar kuģi “Pažar” izbraucām uz Koževnikovu. Gala stacijā nakts bija jāpavada uz krasta. Otilijai šeit bija gŗūti, bet nekā viņai palīdzēt nevarēju. No rīta palīdzēju viņai tikt mašīnā un nolikt siltumā, bet pārējie palikām uz krasta. Viņas lūgums bija: “Ja es vairs nespēju, tad pastāsti manai māsai par mūsu likteni!” Pienāca laiks tālāk braukt, gāju meklēt Otiliju, bet tur kur viņu nolikām, tur viņas vairs nebija – viņa bija aizvesta uz slimnīcu. Es atbraucu šeit sādžā “Kuģinovka”. Pēc dažām dienām zvanīju uz slimnīcu un apjautājos kā klājas Otilijai, bet nekā noteikta zināt nedabūju. Interesējos vienmēr un nu beidzot man vakar pateica noteiktu atbildi: “Mirusi Koževņikovā, 10. maijā.”

Neraudiet māsa – Sibirijas rozes šeit svešumā klās viņas kapu – tās aug šeit katrā krūmājā! Sibirijas ievu baltie ziedi šodien birst pār viņas kapu – par mūsu likteni – turpināsim klaiņot pa taigu!

Gaidīšu no Jums atbildi – vēstuli saņēmāt vai nē – ja atbildi nesagaidīšu – domājams nesaņēmāt un rakstīšu vēl. Atbildi sūtiet pa gaisa pastu – tā no Rīgas līdz mums atnāks pa 10 dienām.

Visu labāko

Mana adrese
Tomskaja obl.
Koževņikovskij rajon


My translation:

Hello in the homeland! Kudinovka, May 25

Now we are the inhabitants of Siberian taiga. We left the homeland on March 27 and traveled together with your sister Otilija. As usual she was cheerful and healthy. We went by train two weeks to Tomsk. The long journey and unusual conditions caused a sickness of your sister. We spent two weeks in a hostel in Tomsk and there she grew worse. On April 23 we left Tomsk by ship “Pažar” for Koževnikov. At the end station we were to spend the night on the river bank. Otilija was very ill, but I could help nothing. In the morning I helped her to get in a truck and to move in a warm place, but we, the others, remained on the bank. She bet me: “In case I shall not be able, please, tell my sister about our fate!” When the time came to continue the travel, I went to search for Otilija, but she was not at the place we left her – she was moved to a hospital. I went to this village “Kudinovka”. Some days later I called the hospital and asked what has happened to Otilija, but received no definite answer. I continued to inquiry and yesterday at last I was informed: “Died in Koževņikova, on May 10.”

Don’t cry, sister – here in the foreign land the roses of Siberia adorn her grave. There are plenty of them here. Today the white petals of bird-cherry trees strew over her grave and over our fate, we are keeping on to wander around the taiga.

I am waiting for your letter – have you received my letter or not – if the answer does not come, I conclude you have not received my letter and will write once more. Send the answer per avion, it takes about 10 days for a letter from Riga to reach us.

All the best

My address:
Tomskaja obl.
Koževņikovskij rajon


© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzāns. 1995-2002