6 Names: Veiklis, Dzirkalis, Cīrulis, Bērziņš, Vardermanis
(Wardermann), Liepa
The text is copied from the brochure of Arveds Švābe "Drustu pagasta tiesas spriedumi 1830-1835. g." (The decisions of Drustu pagasts court 1830-1835. g.) Rīgā. 1927. The decisions provide a lot of information on the peasant life at that time and comprise many real names of the people from this pagasts, therefore I have planned to type in the full text of the brochure (51 decision). The Latvian language of the texts seems to be rather old, at least it differs considerably from the language of the documents of Trikata church archive. |
No 14 |
Tai 17. Juhlij 1830 Basnihzas Permenders Knigste Jahn Weiklis arr Scheem Teesas Wihreem Jacob Dsirkal, Jahn Zihrul, Mattis Bersins. Ismekleschana. Sche pee Teesas Skolmeisteri Fridrik Warderman atsauza un winnam Stippri peekohdinaja ka vinsch to Kalponi Lattu Leepu buhs nosehwim atlaist pee weenu Zittu Saimneku pehz tam kad winna weena negohdiga Sehwa irra bijusi un nu atkal ta wissa draudse Suhdsas ka Jau winna negohdigi ar Scho Skolmeisteri Sakkot Dsihwot pee kam Dauds leezineeki atrahdas pehz apstiprinaschan. Leezineeki: Schis Skolmeisters ne ko tur pretti ne lehdsas un Stipri apsohlas to Lattu neazzis eeraudsit un ka schis buhsot nu gohdigaki Dsihwot. Judgement: Tee Teesas Wihri nospreesch to Kalponi tuhlin nodoht un ka winna wairs weenu reisi eeksch Skohlu Sawu Kahju neeezel un to ohtru meitu Marriju arr tapat Skolmeisters stipri apsohlas no schim diwam neschkistam seewam sargatees. |
My translation (the names are transcribed according to the modern rules): 17 July 1830 The churchwarden Jānis Veiklis from Knigste farm together with the jurymen Jēkabs Dzirkalis, Jānis Cīrulis, Matīss Bērziņš Investigation. The schoolmaster Fridrihs Vardermanis was summoned and he was admonished that he should fire his maid Lata Liepa and should let her go to another employer, because she has been a depraved woman and all the parish complains again that she keeps depravity with this schoolmaster, and many witnesses could assure the facts. Witnesses: The schoolmaster does not argue at all and swears he will never look to this Lata and will start to live more virtuously. Decision: The jurymen decide that the maid should not enter the school anymore and the other maid Marija as well, and the schoolmaster promised to be cautious with these two unchaste women. |
© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzāns. 1995-2002