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zieds1mazs.gif (257 bytes)  Pēteris Vaiders is allowed to marry

3 Names: Vaiders (Veiders), Eliass, Ērmanis

P.Vaiders had had a love affair with M.Eliass before the pagasts court session (1874), and this event was still being processed legally in the higher level courts, therefore he could not marry. It was clear that any court that would made a decision in this case would not be able to oblige him to marry anybody against his will, therefore the pagasts court freely allowed P.Vaiders to marry before his case was finally solved.


Ta ka tas pee Wez - Brenguļ pagasta peederigs Peteris Weider, - ka leeta, dehļ Marijas Elijas peegulehschanas, pee augstakahm teesahm wehl neiswesta, - schahs pagasta-teesas preekschā apņehmees, wisu to pret Mariju Elijas ispildiht, ko augstakas teesas daschkahrt spreestu un wiņam usliktu, tad schi pagasta-teesa zaur scho dod to isskaidroschanu, ka wiņai pret Petera Weider salaulaschanu ar wiņa tagadeju bruhti nekas preti nau. -

Wez-Brenguļ pagasta teesā tai 30tā Oktobrī 1874

No. 81       EhrmannParakstsBB.GIF (2462 bytes)







Pagasta-teesas wahrdā:
                  Preekschsehdetajs: J. Ehrmann


Skriw. W?


My translation (the names transcribed according to the modern rules):

As Pēteris Veiders from Vec-Brengulu pagasts - whose case on the sleeping with Marija Eliass is not solved by the higher courts yet - promised to the court of this pagasts that he will obey any solution of the higher courts, the court of the pagasts herewith declare that it has no objections to Peter Veider's marriage with his today's bride.

The court of Vec-Brenguļi pagasts on 30 October 1874

No. 81 On behalf of pagasts court:
        Chairman: J.Ērmanis

Scribe: W*


© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzāns. 1995-2002