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zieds1mazs.gif (257 bytes) Jūle Priedītis versus Jēkabs Eglītis

3 Names: Eglītis, Endzelins, Priedītis

This is a document that just certified that a seduction case was solved by the appropriate pagasts court. It is possible that this document was needed for J.Eglītis to be married.

The chairman of the court was P.Endselin who presumably belonged to the family Endzelīns. More about the name Endzelīns can be found in a special Page.


The text of the document in Latvian:

No Kaugurmuischas pagasta teesas zaur scho teek apleezinahts, ka tai Juhle Preediht pret Jacob Egliht dehl peeguleschanas pee scho teesu ir spreedums dots. Pehz protokol no 3 Juni sch. g. sem No 181.

EndselinaParakstsBB.GIF (3163 bytes)

Kaugur muischas pagasteesa
3 Juni 1882.

Preekschsedetaijs: P.Endselin


My translation (the names are transcribed according to the modern rules):

The pagasts court of the Kauguri manor pagasts hereby certifies that the court has solved the case Jēkabs Eglītis sued for sleeping with Jūle Priedītis according to the protocol No. 181 on June 3 of the current year.

The court of  Kauguri manor pagasts
June 3, 1882

Chairman: P.Endzelins


© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzāns. 1995-2002