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zieds1mazs.gif (257 bytes) Jūle Inšs versus Dāvis Kalvītis

3 Names: Inšs, Kalvītis, Sārs (Saar)


This is the information from Tiepeles [Wittkopp] pagasts court about a solved case. Presumably it was a seduction case.

The author of the letter does not seem having had much practice in writing. I think he should be an Estonian, because the name Saar is a very popular Estonian name.


The text of the letter in Latvian:

KalwitBB.GIF (4046 bytes)

Zeenigs Mazitais darru sinamu tas Daw Kalwit ir ar to Juhl Insch salikuschi pee pagasteesas.


My translation (the names are transcribed according to the modern rules):

Respected Pastor I inform you that Dāvis Kalvītis and Jūle Inšs have come to an agreement at the pagasts court.



© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzāns. 1995-2002