4 Names: Meþulis, Veidemanis, Ramðs, Stryk (Ðtriks) |
Here the decision of the Ev.-Luth. Consistory of Livland in the case of Anna Meschul versus Fritz Weydemann is published. This was a case of seduction during the betrothal time. The decision also shows how a seduction could be proven, but in this case the Consistory found no proofs of it. If the proofs were found, the marriage would be declared really existing, then divorced, and A.Meschul would be legally recognized as the divorced wife of F.Weydemann. See more on the marriage legislation of Russia Empire in the special Page. The signature at the end of the document is difficult to decipher, but it is known from other sources that at that time Wilhelm von Stryk was the President of Livland's Consistory. The decision of the Consistory is written in German, its translation can be found below. |
No 1619 |
Auf BefehlSeiner Kaiserlichen Majestät des Selbstherrschers aller Reussen etc. etc. ergeht aus dem Livländischen evangelisch. lutherischen Consistorio in Sponsaliensachen der Trikatenschen Wirthstochter Anne Meschul wider der Pächter Weydemann nach Vortrag der Acten nachstehendes Urtheil:Wenn Klägerin angegeben, der beklagte Fritz Weydemann habe sie unter dem Versprechen der Ehe verführt und dann verlaßen, diese Klage wiederholt beim 6ten Wendenschen Kirchspielgericht und endlich bei dem Livlaendischen Consistorio angebracht, auch durch die aufgefuerten Zeugen Theodor Ramsch und Joh. Ramsch nachgewiesen hat, dass ihr am 12 September 1862 von Beklagten förmlich die Ehe versprochen werden, worauf die Verlobung in Zeugengegenwart gefeiert wurde, wenn Beklagter dagegen seine wider die Klägerin angebrachte Beschuldigung eines ungünstigen Wandels durchaus unbewiesen gelaßen hat, wenn aber auch die von der Klägerin behauptete Verführung zum Beschlaf völlig unbewiesen geblieben und weder durch das Beklagten Geständniss, noch durch Zeugen, noch auch durch eine Schwangerschaft der Klägerin festgestellt werden ist, - als hat von dem Livländischen evangelisch-lutherischen Consistorio in der Erwägung, daß nur ein nicht erfülltes Eheversprochen, nicht aber eine Verführung nachgewiesen werden - dahin erkannt werden müßen:
My translation (the names transcribed according to the modern rules): By order of His Imperial Majesty of the Sovereign of all the Russians etc. etc. the Ev.-Luth. Consistory of Livland after the presentation of documents in the seduction case of Trikate farmer's daughter Anne Meþulis versus a leaseholder Veidemanis proclaims the following verdict: Taking into account the fact that the plaintiff assures that the defendant Fricis Veidemanis has enticed her by the promise to marry and then abandoned her, and the complaint was repeated in the 6th Parish court of Cçsis and at last was lodged in the Livland's Consistory; that it is proven by the engaged witnesses Teodors Ramðs and Joh. Ramðs that the defendant on September 12, 1862 officially promised to marry her and thereafter the Betrothal was celebrated with presence of the witnesses; that at the contrary the defendant has given no accusations to the plaintiff that caused his change of mind; that also the statement of the plaintiff about the seduction by sleeping with remains completely unproved and is not confirmed neither by avowal of the defendant nor by witnesses nor by any evidence of the pregnancy of the plaintiff; that the Ev.-Luth. Consistory of Livland considerates that only the broken promise of marriage is proven but not the seduction - hereupon the following should be decided:
in the name of Law Evangelic-Lutheran Consistory of Livland, Riga Castle, 3 September 1865 President. W v. Stryk |
© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzâns. 1995-2002