Names: Kaģe, Mežīts, Lībietis, Bērziņš, Grants, Grūbe, Auge |
Here a copy of a document of Lubu pagasts court is published. This is the decision in the case of Anna Bērziņš' child's paternity. Obviously the copy I possess was made for the Pastor of Trikata church and was kept in the church archive. Two sessions were needed to investigate the case. The copy contains protocols of both sessions. For better understanding, I typed the translations after each one of the session protocols.
First the text of the protocol of the first session of the court in Latvian: |
Noraksts | Lubu pagasta teesā, |
No 2 |
Luhdseja Lubu muischā dsihwodama meita Anna Behrsiņ
par to Dutkas Ķewet mahjā dsihwodamu puisi Jahn Grant, kursch scho
peegulejis ar to apsolischanu, ka prezet buhschot un tagad leedsotees to darit.
- Preekschā saukts Jahnis Grants issazija, ka wiņsch no tam neko nesinot, jo tahs meitas Anna Behrsiņ, kura wiņam preekschā stahdita tika, pawisam nepasihstot un nekahdā sakarā ar wiņu stahwejis neesot, tapat neweenu reisi pee wiņas gulejis neesot. Preekschā saukta Anna Behrsiņ lihds ar pahrstahwetaju Dahw Gruhbe, issazija, ka Jahn Grant wairak reises pee wiņas gulejis esot, ko tas Lubu muischā dsihwodams kalps Dahwids Auge apleezinat wareschot. Preekschā saukts Dahwids Auge apleezinaja, ka wiņsch wehl pagajuschā 1881. gadā, wasarā, seena laikā, Juhli mehnesī to Jahni Grant no walodas pasinis, ka wiņsch papreeksch pee tahs meitas Annas Behrsiņ klehts durim dausijees, lai eekschā laischot. schis esot turpat lihdsās klehtī gulejis un wiņu wehl isbahris, ka meeru trauzejot, lai eetot projam, bet Jahn Grant neesot gahjis, us kam ta meita, Anna Behrsiņ, wiņu, J Granti klehti eelaiduse un pehz tam tuhliņ schis, kursch tikai ais plahnas dehļu seenas gulejis, dsirdejis, ka tahs meitas gulta stipri tschihkstejusi, kur schis tuhlin domajis, ka tur labi wairs neesot; otrā rihta esot Anna Behrsiņ schim stahstijuse, ka Jahnis Grant pee schihs gulejis un esot apsolijees scho precet. Preekschā saukts Jahnis Grants, pee sawas pirmas issazischanas, ka wiņsch no tam neko nesinot, palika. Nolikts To leetu tik ilgi atstaht, kamehr tas auglis pasaulē nahk un ta meita Anna Behrsiņ, kura ihsā laikā sagaidahs, sawas nedeļas isguļ un tad eeksch schihs leetas spreedumu dot. .(Pagasta teesas paraksts)
Copy |
My translation (the names are transcribed according to the modern rules): In the court of Lubu pagasts, The petitioner Anna Bērziņš, who lives in Lubu manor, versus Jānis Grants, who lives in Ķeviet farm of Dutka manor, and who slept with her by promising to marry her but now does not agree to do that. - Jānis Grants appeared before the court and asserted that he did not know the maid Anna Bērziņš, who was presented to him now, and never had any relations with her and had never slept with her. Anna Bērziņš appeared before the court together with her representative Dāvis Grūbe and reported that Jānis Grants several times slept with her, which can probably be witnessed by a servant of Lubu manor Dāvids Auge. Dāvids Auge appeared before the court and witnessed that he in the summer of the last 1881 year in month July during the hay gathering time recognized Jānis Grants from voice while he knocked at the door of Anna Bērziņš' klētiņa and wanted to be let in. Dāvids Auge was sleeping nearby in the klētiņa and told him not to make a noise and to go away, but Jānis Grants did not, and the maid Anna Bērziņš let him, J.Grants, in. And right thereafter he, who was sleeping on the other side of a thin board wall, heard that the maid's bed went on squeaking, and he at once thought that something wrong was happening. Next morning Anna Bērziņš told him that Jānis Grants slept with her and promised to marry her. Jānis Grants appeared before the court and insisted on his previous expressions that he knows nothing of the case. Decided To postpone the case till the fruit comes in the world and Anna Bērziņš, who soon is delivered of the child, is able to appear before the court, and then to pass the sentence on the case. (Signatures of the pagasts court)
Tanī 14. maijā, 1882. g. |
No. 28 |
Tika preekschā saukta meita Anna Behrsiņ
lihds ar pahrstahwetaju Dahw Gruhbe, kura issazija, ka tas behrns esot
pasaulē nahzis un esot puika. Anna Behrsiņ issazija, ka paģehrot no
Jahn Grant 150 rubļu par ta behrna audsinaschanu. - Kad no leezineeku isteikschanahm redsams, ka Jahn Grant pee tahs meitas gulejis, un par ta behrna tehwu eeskatams, tika no schihs teesas Spreests Jahņam Grant jamaksā preeksch tahs behrna usturas lihds 10tam gadam, katrā gadā 10 rubļ s., t.i. pawisam 100 rubļ. s. maksaschanas termiņi: katrā gadā 10. novembrī.
.(Pagasta teesas paraksts) Par riktigu norakstu: Schis spreedums ir no Ķeiseriskas VIII Zehsu Draudse teesas
apstiprinahts tizis. |
My translation (the names are transcribed according to the modern rules): 12. May 1882. The maid Anna Bērziņš was summoned together with her representative Dāvis Grūbe. She said that the child was born and was a boy. She put in claims for 150 rubles from Jānis Grants as livelihood for the child. - As from the testimonies of the witnesses it is clear that Jānis Grants slept with the maid and may be considered as the father of the child, the court decided Jānis Grants should pay means for subsistence of the child until 10 year age, each year 10 Roubl. in silver, i.e. total 100 Roubles silver, the payment should be committed by 10 November each year. (Signatures of the pagasts court) The correctness of the copy is certified Scribe W.Johansons This decision was affirmed by the Royal VIII Cēsis parish court. |
© Comments, translation. Bruno Martuzāns. 1995-2002