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zieds1mazs.gif (257 bytes) Map of Manteuffels manors


Here a map from the book of Karl Freiherr von Manteuffel gen. Zoege-Katzdangen Dr. Dr. H.C. Kreismarschall A.D. Meine Siedlungsarbeit in Kurland (My work on settling in Kurland) is published. The map depicts the manors of the family Manteuffels in the vicinities of Aizpute [Hasenpoth]. The total area of the manors was about 15000 hectars.

The text of the book (in German) you may also find on this Site.



1. Katzdangen 8. Puhnen
2. Gross-Kikurn 9. Oldenburg
3. Neuhof 10. Perbohnen
4. Zilden 11. Kalwen
5. Walaten 12. Remessen
6. Blendinen 13. Alt-Drogen
7. Kapschen 14. Post-Drogen