44 Persons 42 Names: Baranovs, Bērziņš, Blankenburgs, Blindreichs, Blumentals, Borisovičs, Braunšteins (Braunstein), Broš, Bukau, Cauka, Drozdovskis, Erdmans, Ermansons, Gitings, Goldrings, Grühner, Ivanovs, Jevangulovs, Lopatins, Maslovs, Michnovskis, Muzikants, Ņemčinovs, Ņesterovs, Petropavlovskis, Prus, Richters, Ruckijs (Ruckis), Solovjovs, Sosnovskis, Šmurlo, Šulcs, Tailovs (Tajlovs), Vannag (Vanags), Vasiljevs, Veremejenko, Vladimirskijs (Vladimirskis), Valters, Wunderlich (Vunderlichs), Zandberg (Sandberg), Zaruckis |
This is the photograph of the 7th class of Tailova's
gymnasium in May 1915. The photograph belongs to the archive of Tatjana
Ivanova. It is the largest personal archive I have in my possession
and is not described yet.
Tatjana Ivanova graduated the gymnasium and knew all the students of this class. What is much more important for our goals, she carefully numbered everybody on the front side of the picture and then explained who is who on the backside of it. There is only one exception - she did not know who is the gentlemen on the left side of the second line. The school was organized and owned by Ludmila Tailova, and it was a school for well-situated ladies. The teaching language was Russian, but the school enrolled students regardless of their ethnicity and religion. For the general information on the school visit the special Page. |
The picture is clickable. You may click on a person to get enlarged picture.
The list of the teachers and students in the alphabetical
order follows. I wrote full forms of patronymics, T.Ivanova shortened them. |
Sergej | Baranov | Orthodox priest |
Austra | Bērziņš | |
Emmilina | Blankenburg | |
Roza | Blindreich | |
Gali | Blumental | |
Lidija | Borisovič | |
Sofija | Braunštein (Braunstein) | |
Natalija | Broš | |
Milda | Bukau | |
Emma | Cauka | |
Erika | Drozdovskaja (Drozdovskis) | |
Walli | Erdman | |
Ksenija | Ermanson | |
Anna | Giting | |
Hanna | Goldring | |
Grühner | Lutheran Pastor | |
Tatjana | Ivanova | |
Lidija | Jevangulova | |
Ksenija | Lopatina | |
Natalija | Maslova | |
Jevgenija Michailovna | Michnovskaja (Michnovskis) | Teacher |
Ella | Muzikants | |
Olga Nikolajevna | Ņemčinova | Teacher |
Antonina | Ņesterova | |
Sergej Ivanovič | Petropavlovskij (Petropavlovskis) | Teacher |
Milda | Prus | |
Emilija | Richter | |
Anna | Richter | |
Olga Ivanovna | Ruckaja | Teacher |
Petr | Ruckij | Teacher |
Nikolaj | Solovjov | Teacher |
Lidija | Sosnovskaja (Sosnovskis) | |
Vera | Šmurlo | |
Arveds | Šulcs | Teacher |
Jevlampija Ivanovna | Tailova | Teacher |
Ludmila Ivanovna | Tailova | Principal |
Anna | Vannag (Vanags) | |
Olga | Vasiljeva | |
Larisa | Veremejenko | |
Ivan Sergejevič | Vladimirskij | Teacher |
Walter | English teacher | |
Alma | Wunderlich | |
Leontina | Zandberg (Sandberg) | |
Marija | Zaruckaja |